

Html – tags

An HTML document is reads from top to bottom, left to right by a web browser. Whenever the browser finds a tag, the tag is rendered correspondingly. Paragraph tags render paragraph text; image tags render images, and so on. You can code HTML, and also signal to the browser through adding tags to an HTML document, “Hey look, this is paragraph text; now treat it as such!”

Do you remember that HTML features include three key segments: the opening tag, the content, and the closing tag? As you will understand, there are limitless combinations of HTML tags/features, including those utilized for forms, images, and lists. One tag or two are needed to show everything on a web page.

HTML Tag Code:


Since it is the web standard for XHTML and Dynamic HTML, if you plan on publishing the page online tags should always be written in lowercase letters.

HTML More Tag Code:


Html – features without closing tags

Some features do not require formal closing tags. To some extent, they have the 3 segments (opening/closing and content) yet, but they are combined into one tag. It is dues to the fact that these tags do not actually need any content to be located inside them, but occasionally may require properties such as source URLs for images.

One prime, easy example of an HTML tag that does not require a closing tag is the line break tag.

HTML Line Break Code:


It is not necessary to type <br>line break</br>in order to tell the browser we want to place a line break (carriage return) onto the site. This would require an enormous amount of effort, and if every line break tag needed all three components as other tags do, life would become redundant real quick. Combining the opening and closing tags into a single format and shortening the number of characters needed to render a line break is considered as a better solution. Other tags, such as image tags and input tags, have also been adjusted in such a manner.

HTML Code:

As you can see from the above, the web browser is able to interpret the image tag since we inform the browser where the image files is placed, using the src characteristic. Throughout the remainder of the tutorial characteristics will be discussed thoroughly. For now, it’s a good time to start considering what type of website you want to make. Making content for a topic or achieving a goal is always easier.


  • Some HTML features have merged closing tags.
  • In order to customize your web pages, adjust tags with characteristics!
  • Tags disparage as new web technologies evolve.

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