HTML-Text Fields

HTML-Text Fields

Html – text fields

Text fields present a tiny rectangular box that’s usually prepared to accept information from observers. Users will see that when they click these fields, the cursor will vary from the usual arrow to a pipe character ( | ), letting text entries to be typed within each input field.

A text field is located on a web page utilizing the <input> tag, with the type characteristic set with a value of “text”.

HTML Text Field Code:


HTML Text Fields:


First: Last:


Text fields are planned to get unique words or phrases from the user. That information may then be treated through some type of client/server within script (PHP, PERL, JavaScript). If you do plan on treating the data, be sure to contain the name and id characteristics. A descriptive title is also a good visual help for offering a tool-tip show for your web features.

Html – text fields: size characteristic

To adjust the visual display of a text field, one requires passing a single value to the size characteristic. The value indicates how many characters a text field can show within the text field window.

It is your job as the web designer to analyze and forecast the average length of characters that will be entered into each field by your users. First and last names may usually change from 8-24 characters in length, while a typical email address may include from 12-36 digits.

HTML Text Field Size:


HTML Text Field Size:



These characters will not be deleted, if the user wants to enter more digits than the size characteristic value; it just means that the user will not be capable to see all of their input immediately. Instead, they will be forced to scroll to the beginning and end of the input feature, which inclined to dissuade user cooperation.

Html – text fields: max length characteristic

Max length is an voluntary characteristic that accepts a single unit value which allows the developer to confine the number of characters a user can type in a specific text field.

HTML Text Field Maxlength:


HTML Text Field Maxlength:


In order to locate some text within the text fields for you,  Top of Form

we also called upon the value characteristic!


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