HTML-Web Forms

HTML-Web Forms

Html – web forms

HTML web forms are a combination of buttons, check boxes, and text input fields inserted within HTML documents with one purpose: to entrap user input. Web forms give users the chance to interact directly with a webpage.

HTML forms are placed on a web page using the <form> tag. This tag should encapsulate a group of other form characteristics, determining them as a single united web form via doing things such as offering fields for user data such as names, phone number, and email addresses.

HTML Form Element:


HTML Web Form:

Checkbox 1
Text Field 1


HTML form characteristics depend on action and method characteristics to recognize where to send the form data for treating (action) and how to treat the data (method). We’ve embedded some make-believe values to show what a usual HTML form might look like behind the scenes in the code above.

Unfortunately, HTML alone cannot treat data. In order for forms to treat data entrap by HTML form characteristics a scripting language such as PHP, PERL, and/or JavaScript must be utilized with HTML.

In order to follow along, we can also set the action correctly partly to have the form launch an email client instead of processing a make-believe server-side script. This will present us some form cooperation for us as we comprehend more about HTML forms.

HTML Email Form Element:


HTML Email Form:

Checkbox 1
Text Field 1



Now when we click on SUBMIT button, the user should observe their default email client start.

HTML forms present user cooperation between visitors and the website while concurrently gathering invaluable user data from your users. They are a key tool for any webmaster, and these days, it is usual place to observe form characteristics added in every web page.

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